The Chippewa Valley Amateur Radio Club’s 2024 Hamfest will be on Saturday August 10th at the Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds.
The Event will be held both indoors and outdoors in Exhibit Hall A. Outdoor Sales will be on the north side of the building.
Admission is $10.00 and selling is $10.00 a table.
This is a family friendly event with multiple raffles. Grand Prize is a $200.00 DX Engineering Gift Certificate. Donuts and beverages will be available for purchase.
VE Testing for all classes begin at 10:00 a.m. Applicants need to bring their FRN and a picture ID.
Talk in is on 147.375 – PL 110.9 or on GMRS 462.700 + PL 110.9.
The flyer can be seen at